Translated by Nick R
Raising dogs and birds together may seem impossible or extremely difficult at first sight, but with the following recommendations, you’ll surely achieve a good match between these two. If this is your case, keep reading because you’ll learn how to do it.
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First contact between the bird and the dog
Small steps are big achievements, so one of the easiest ways to bring the relationship between your dog and bird closer is by setting them both in a place where none of them feels like they are invading each other’s space. Your bird must be in the cage so you can avoid fatal accidents and see each other’s reactions at first glance.
Your dog’s behavior
Before starting, remember that even domesticated dogs preserve instincts that determine a good part of their behavior, and one of them is the hunting instinct, which is activated in many cases when in contact with an animal that might be an easy prey.
The signs of warning in your dog will be evident from the beginning, including the typical barking at strangers and unfamiliar objects, and other actions such as jumping towards the cage or walking around it can be the most notorious. In this case, the best thing to do is to reprimand him with a “No” and let him understand that the behavior is incorrect, but if it persists, it is best to try again at another time.
If, on the contrary, your dog calms down and manages to moderate his behavior, check some other signs that will allow you to see how aware he is of the bird, these are:
- Panting.
- Following with the eyes.
- Ears back.
- Dilated pupils.
- Bristling hair.
Good behaviors should be always rewarded
Remember your dog will look positively at any activity that generates a reward, so if in the process of approaching him you notice that he no longer pays attention to the bird, I recommend that you reward him with some special food, showing him what his good behavior generates.
Your bird’s behavior
The bird’s comfort is fundamental in this process of mutual knowledge. In this case, the instinct will be for shelter and fear in the presence of an animal that can endanger its welfare, such as a dog.
The most evident sign will be agitation, constant singing, and/or the search for a shelter somewhere in the cage or corner. If you notice that your bird’s nervous behavior does not change after a few minutes, the best is to leave it and try another time from a more prudent distance.
Exceptions may exist with some species that are much more aggressive and territorial such as chickens, cockatoos or parrots, in which the attitude may be singing, flapping wings and pecking if there is a lot of proximity between the two animals.
Remember not to subject your bird to constant stress, as it can impact its well-being and behavior!
Treats and rewards work for birds too! An excellent snack can be breadfruit branches (minor millet), a favorite of some birds such as parakeets, lovebirds, or cockatiels.
Coexistence between dogs and birds outside the cage
This step is only if your bird is used to getting out of the cage routinely as part of its domestic care, remember to take small steps. If you want to familiarize your dog with your bird outside the cage, you should take precautions and follow the steps below:
- Ask someone to help you hold your dog on a leash to control any strong reactions.
- On the other hand, bring the bird closer to the dog so he can get to know it and smell it, about 3 to 5 seconds are enough.
- Practice these steps continuously on a specific schedule, as it will especially help the bird to adjust to the situation.
- Remember to monitor each other’s behavior when in close proximity.
- Keep watching for warning signs as you will be able to distinguish the two’s willingness to coexist, but if nothing seems unusual, you can let your bird roam free and see how the dog (still on leash) behaves to the activities she is doing.
- You can let them both roam freely in the same space gradually and reward them for good behavior.
Guidelines for raising poultry and dogs
The docility of your pets
Some dog breeds may be more docile and easier to control, however, this is not an absolute for making coexistence between your dog and bird easier. It may even happen the same with birds, as some are more sociable and will like to interact with their environment.
Monitoring the behavior of your bird and dog
If for some reason your pets’ attitude seems not to change after several attempts, it’s best that the two live in separate rooms. And remember never to rely on good behaviors, as your dog’s instinct can wreak havoc, so it’s best that they always interact under supervision.
Avoid giving feathered toys as they can lead your dog to associate your bird with the toy and make it more difficult for the two of them to get closer.
Conditions for dogs and birds to live together
Some birds can peck sensitive areas of your dog such as his nose or eyes and cause accidents due to the dog’s reaction. In these cases, reprimands also work for them, a loud “No” pointing out the place where he did it makes them understand that the behavior is not correct.
Be aware not to allow your bird to be licked by your dog, as you can expose it to diseases or infections.
Finally, if your bird is caged, always try to leave it in a high place to avoid any aggression from the dog.
The love for birds always leads us to know more about them than we could imagine, so take heart and pay attention to their personality and tastes, they will surely guide you to a new way to help them coexist with your dog, who will also do part of the work to coexist with his new friend.