Why, When, and How to Deworm Your Dog? – Quick Guide

Translated by Nick R

Are you tired of getting fleas or parasites on your dog’s fur every time it comes home from the park?

In this blog, we’ll inform you about the importance of deworming our pets, how often, and how you can do it.

Importance of deworming your dog 

Regular deworming is very important to avoid pests that infest your pet and the diseases they can transmit.

There are different types of parasites capable of transmitting diseases that can seriously affect the health of our little friend or even be fatal.

Some pathologies that can occur due to parasites are:

  • Babesiosis: transmitted by the bite of ticks, it causes fever, weakness, pale mucous membranes, hemoglobinuria (reddish or brown urine) and anemia.
  • Lyme disease: this disease is also transmitted by ticks and causes fever, chills, weakness, joint inflammation, lameness, pain, kidney problems and respiratory distress.
  • Tapeworms: They are intestinal parasites. Normally the canine licks itself and in the process ingests a flea that has eggs inside, releasing them internally and infesting itself. Normally it is difficult to distinguish the symptoms, but you can observe gravid proglottids in your dog’s stool: they are like a grain of rice.
  • Allergic flea dermatitis: some canines can have an allergic reaction to flea bites, and excessive scratching can cause great damage.

Why do dogs get parasites? 

Our pets can get parasites for different reasons such as:

  1. Being in contact with an infected animal.
  2. Contact with infected feces.
  3. Poor hygiene of both the pet and its space.
  4. Eating grass, some dogs do this and can eat different parasites found on the lawn, either in the garden of the house or in parks. Parks are more exposed to parasites because the feces of other animals may have left bugs on the lawn before.
  5. Lack of regular deworming.
  6. Drinking water from puddles or stagnant areas.
  7. Mosquito bites.

On the other hand, there are 2 types of parasites: external and internal parasites, which I’ll explain below.

External parasites common in dogs 

This type of parasite settles on the dog’s skin and coat and can even be transmitted to humans.


These are the most common parasites and I’m sure you have dealt with them already. Normally, fleas don’t cause serious problems and can be eliminated with an antiparasitic prescribed by your veterinarian.

However, as mentioned above, they can cause an allergic reaction (DAPP, flea allergy dermatitis). Moreover, as they produce an intense, dogs can injure themselves when biting the skin, trying to relieve themselves by scratching or biting. And, in some cases, these parasites can even cause anemia.


Ticks are arachnids that feed on the canine’s blood. The risk is that when they bite, they can introduce diseases into the furry’s bloodstream.

These parasites are quite common although they are found mostly in areas where there is plenty of grass and trees such as in the countryside; however, they can inhabit more urban areas.


These parasites cannot be easily observed as the previous ones since they are microscopic. In fact, mites are the cause of mange and other diseases in canines.

Symptoms of external parasites 

To identify if your canine has any external parasites you can watch for the following signs:

  • Constant scratching and/or biting due to itching.
  • Sores and scabs on the skin.
  • Redness.
  • Alopecia (hair loss)

On the other hand, if these parasites infected your dog with a disease, it could present different symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, anemia, apathy, weakness and weight loss.

Products to treat external parasites 

There are different products both to prevent the infestation of these parasites and to eliminate them.

  • Anti-parasite pipette: these are usually applied to the back of the dog’s neck. Its duration varies according to the one you choose, but normally it lasts for 1 month. Keep in mind to buy them in accordance with your pet’s weight, because if it is for a bigger dog, it might get intoxicated.
  • Tablets or pills: these are given orally, and can last from 1 to 3 months. This I use with my pet and I find it quite easy to use, besides, I only have to do it every 3 months.
  • Anti-parasite spray: this one is recommended for use when the animal is already infested and not as a preventive method. You should apply the spray in a well-ventilated place, standing about 20 cm away from your dog, and let the product cover its back, paws, and belly. You must be careful not to get it in its eyes or nose because it can be irritating.

Internal parasites common in dogs 

These are usually different types of worms that are found inside our dog, specifically in its intestine, lungs, or even in its heart.


They can be transmitted by flea bites or when the canine licks and ingests the flea. Or they can also be spread by mosquito bites or by eating infected feces.

As I said before, there are different types. The intestinal worms cause diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal swelling, and anemia.

Lungworms cause breathing difficulties, coughing, bleeding, lethargy and anorexia.

And finally, the heartworms that cause heart difficulty, coughing, bleeding, fainting, weight loss, and loss of appetite. These can even lead to the death of our pets.

Symptoms of internal parasites 

I already named some symptoms according to some types of worms, but below I’ll mention the warning signs that tell us if our canine has internal parasites.

  • Vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Coughing.
  • Great appetite, but with weight loss.
  • Weakness.
  • Dull, dry, brittle coat.
  • Feces with worms.
  • Blood in the feces.
  • Respiratory and cardiac problems.
  • Swollen abdomen.
  • Anemia.

Products to treat internal parasites 

The most recommended products to eliminate and prevent internal parasites in dogs are:

  • Tablets or pills: as well as for external parasites, pills are a good option to eliminate and prevent internal parasites. They are administered orally and you can ask your veterinarian which one he/she recommends for your canine.
  • Syrup: these come in liquid form and are also given orally using a syringe.

When to deworm my dog? 

This will depend on different factors, first of all, the product you use, since depending on the type, it can protect your dog for 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, or more.

On the other hand, if your dog has a lot of contact with other animals and perhaps lives in the countryside where parasites are easily found, it is advisable to deworm it every month or 2 months.

On the other hand, if it is a pet that lives in an urban area and has almost no contact with other animals, it can be dewormed every 3 to 4 months.

How to deworm your dog? 

Here are some tips on how to apply the product you have chosen to your dog without causing problems.

Pill or tablet 

You can administer this product with your dog’s regular food, just crush the tablet and mix it with the food, it’s quite simple! However, you need to ask your veterinarian whether you can do this, as with some pills it is not recommended.

On the other hand, you can open your pet’s muzzle, put the pill at the end of the tongue and then close the muzzle until your canine swallows. When releasing it, make sure it has not dropped the dewormer.


In a syringe, introduce the indicated amount of dewormer, then open your pet’s muzzle and introduce the syringe a little (almost halfway into the mouth), and squeeze it so that your canine swallows it all.

Antiparasitic spray 

In an open area, it can be in the garden or on the balcony, move away from your canine a few centimeters (20 or 30 cm) and cover it with the product all over the body (except the eyes, nose, and mouth).

To avoid it moving, you can tie it with its leash in a firm place, wait a few minutes, and then you can let it in.

Recommendation: when using this product, you better not touch your dog and then eat, cook or run your hands over your face.

Anti-parasite pipette 

This product is quite easy to use. First of all, remember that it must be suitable for your pet’s weight or it might not work for your pet or it might get intoxicated.

Then, simply take out the pipette and let the liquid inside touch the canine’s skin. To achieve this, separate hair sections and apply directly on the skin.It is advisable to apply it on the back of the neck so that your pet doesn’t lick and remove the product.
