5 Ways to exercise your bird to keep it healthy

Translated by Nick R

Birds, as pets, require some care from us, among them exercise, which is very important for their health. Here I show you the best exercises for your bird.

Why is exercise important for your bird? 

Many times we ignore the importance of exercise for a bird because we often have misconceptions about keeping them. This has repercussions on their health and is a risk taken by pet bird owners who keep them in captivity without offering them frequent physical activity. You got that right: Frequent!

I emphasize frequency because some of us may think that a bird that has lived captive doesn’t require much exercise as it is accustomed to confinement. Nothing could be further from the truth though. Most birds fly and hover without limits in their natural habitat, so biologically and ethologically they seek freedom and need to exercise their wings in order to maintain good physical and mental health.

By exercising their wings I mean really exercising their wings, not just flapping and walking on perches inside their cage, but getting out of their cage and doing activities that challenge their body and mind, as well as getting sunlight. Here are the benefits of exercise.

Benefits of exercise for your bird 

  • Stronger bones.
  • Muscle development.
  • Lower blood pressure.
  • Lower fat and cholesterol levels.
  • Increases cardiac output.
  • Increases aerobic endurance.
  • Reduces anxiety and insecurity.
  • Reduces the risk of arthritis.
  • Increases endorphin production.
  • Reduces insulinemia.

Exercises for your bird 

You already know why exercises are important for your bird, so now I’ll show you the 5 best ways to exercise your feathered friend to keep him fit and healthy.

Exercise your bird with toys 

If you have already read the complete species guides on our website, you might realize that, in most cases, toys are highly recommended for all species. This is due to the practical and playful character of toys for pet birds as indispensable accessories.

Captive birds are more prone to suffer from different diseases, including stress. The enclosure is not natural for them. Of course, their beauty and soothing companionship attracted the attention of humans to the point of turning many of the wild species into pets.

Providing good conditions for your friend largely depends on understanding the bird’s wild behavior and providing tools that help it maintain its nature while enjoying its company, tools such as toys that help strengthen its beak, feet, and claws, as well as keep your bird active. Therefore, birds enjoy toys as much as they enjoy foraging, natural behavior that leads them to pick up objects with their beak and claws, break, pick and select.

Keep in mind that toys should challenge the animal’s physical and mental capacity. This type of object can become a kit or exercise equipment that motivates them to climb, walk, settle, fetch and chew.

Toys to exercise your bird 

Let me show you some of the most important toys for your bird:

  • Foraging tray.
  • Ropes.
  • Ladders.
  • Play area.
  • Stacking figures.
  • Gymnasiums.
  • Balls.
  • Pendants.
  • Rocks.
  • Musical instruments.

Exercise your bird with games  

Just as toys are important for exercising your bird, imagination and creating games to encourage physical activity are also very good for your friend’s well-being.

Games have a greater positive effect on their health if they involve both pet and owner physically because your bird gets exercise and generates a closer bond with you. You can use a toy that your friend really likes for these exercises to make the activity easier and more fun. Unlike toys, the focus is not on the object itself but on the activity.

Some exercises that can test your bird’s attention and strength are as follows:

Ball game 

You can use a ball to play a very simple and fun game with your bird. Just pick up a ball and put it in front of your feathered friend to encourage him to play, then throw the ball and make him fetch it. Repeat this exercise several times, for 10 minutes maximum or until he gets bored.

Rope game 

Another very simple game is the rope and toy game, which only requires a rope and a good attitude. Tie a toy to a string and pull them for your bird to try to catch it. This game encourages your friend to search and be attentive, besides getting him to jog a bit. Try playing for about 15 minutes with your friend.

Exercise your bird with tricks  

Training your bird is a way to get much more involved with them and exercise them through activities that teach them tricks, which is beneficial for their physical activity and also to challenge their mind with exercises that strengthen their memory and attention.

Teaching your bird tricks will keep him active and avoid boredom and stress. In addition, your friend will become smarter and smarter, following your commands and learning new things. Many tricks require both physical and mental activity, so it is also a way to exercise him integrally.

The mother trick of all tricks and the one that will teach him to do any other trick is the step up or perching your bird on your finger. Additionally, you can teach him these 5 more tricks:

  • Obtaining objects trick.
  • Salute trick.
  • Shoulder trick.
  • Bow trick.
  • Towel trick.

Learn more about tricks here.

Exercise your bird out of the cage 

Pet birds should have a cage representing their own space and providing comfort, where they have security and basic care accessories such as feeders and waterers. However, the hours of recreation outside the cage should be extra careful and represent one of the most important activities with your friend.

The recommendation goes beyond taking it out only to the yard, but preferably to take it out to sunbathe and stretch its wings in the open air for at least 30 minutes. Of course, this is achieved with prior training so that your bird is not in danger or trying to escape.

Sunlight and contact with the outside are essential for their feathers, muscles, and internal organs and to avoid stress.

Exercise your bird with dance 

It probably sounds weird if I tell you that birds like to dance, doesn’t it? Well, it’s not so far-fetched to think so when we imagine the courtship dances that many bird species naturally do to woo females.

Birds are naturally very receptive to sounds and music seems to be very much to their liking. So, the first thing you should do is play music and observe. After a while, your friend will respond differently to each of the melodies you play, choose the one he likes the most and wait for him to dance out of his cage, perching him on your finger or shoulder. This exercise will be good cardio and a lot of fun for both of you.

Put it into practice and exercise your bird every chance you get to keep him in shape.
